Rwanda CPR Training, 27th April 2025

Rwanda CPR Training, 27th April 2025

Type: seminarCategory: Trainings - Courses & Workshops Date: April 27 Time: 09:00 AM - 04:00 PM Venue: Hilltop Hotel, Kigali, Rwanda
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    • BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//WPMINDS//NONSGML v1.0//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT VENUE:Hilltop Hotel DESCRIPTION:A one day Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation – CPR | FIRST AID Training happening on 28/4/2024 at Hilltop Hotel in Kigali, Rwanda. Charges 36,000 Rwanda Francs . Certificates issued after Training Drinking water and lunch provided, Notes issued upon payment of the fee. Registration deadline is 22nd April 2025. Pay to Mobile No: +250 780 867 567. […] ADDRESS: DTSTART:20250427T090000 DTEND:20250427T160000 URL;VALUE=URI: SUMMARY:Rwanda CPR Training, 27th April 2025 LOCATION: PHONE: DTSTAMP:20240727T062034 UID:66a491b2d5c0e END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
      Rwanda CPR Training, 27th April 2025.ics

A one day Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation - CPR | FIRST AID Training happening on 28/4/2024 at Hilltop Hotel in Kigali, Rwanda. Charges 36,000 Rwanda Francs . Certificates issued after Training

  • Date: 27th April 2025
  • Venue: Hilltop Hotel, Kigali Rwanda.
  • Time: 9:00am - 4:00pm
  • Charges: 36,000Rwf

Drinking water and lunch provided, Notes issued upon payment of the fee. Registration deadline is 22nd April 2025.

Pay to Mobile No: +250 780 867 567. For more details contact Brian Obonyo on +250 780 867 567.

The form is for reservations purpose, one can cancel anytime. See other important details below `SUBMIT' button. 

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  • For Trainings/Courses/Workshops & other events that require PAYMENTS, your attendance will be APPROVED upon receipt of your payment.
  • Payments should be made latest at least five(5) days prior scheduled event day.
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